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Our programmes


The Stockport County Supporters Cooperative are committed to ensuring that the voice of Stockport County supporters is heard where it matters!

Meetings with the Club

We have furthered this aim by establishing regular contacts with the Board of Stockport County ,to put our views, and those of our members, to the Club. We then report back to our members.

Edgeley Park

A major priority for the Supporters Cooperative, has been to work towards securing the future of Edgeley Park as the debt free home of Stockport County.

In this respect we have moved decisively and gained ` Asset of Community Value` status for Edgeley Park from SMBC, thus establishing the right of our members and the local community to have a say should EP be up for sale in the future.


Guardian Account

To help with our aim, we also set up the 'Guardian Account'- a ring fenced fund aimed at securing a stake in EP via an equity stake or the part or whole purchase of an asset. The ring fencing of the fund is guaranteed as only the membership can resolve any dispersal of funds which can only be spent as mentioned on page `Guardian Account`.

Accountability to our members

We are accountable to our members via annual elections and we ensure that we are accessible to our members throughout the year via and also in person on match days in the Cheadle End Cabin.   

Get social with us!

Supporting our members & working

to secure the future of Edgeley Park

as the debt free home of Stockport County

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