Guardian Account
In January 2015, the Guardian Account was established with a transfer of £10,000 from the Co-op current account, which was unanimously backed by our members at the AGM. The account now stands at £78306 which has mainly been achieved by fund raising via a series of events and memorabilia sales from the cabin in the Cheadle End car park and on-line via eBay.
When the Guardian Account was set up, the terms and conditions were intentionally kept flexible, due to the uncertain situation facing Stockport County Football Club at the time. This flexibility enables the board to respond effectively to numerous potential scenarios, which the football club could potentially face.
Guardian Account Conditions
Though its specific purpose will remain fluid, the Guardian Account may only be used to further the following long-term strategic objectives:
Purchase shares in Stockport County 2010 Limited, a successor club or any company linked to SCFC (e.g. in any future stadium owning company), land, property, plant or equipment.
May NOT be used for short term purposes. E.g. contribution to the club’s running costs (such as maintenance, wages or players transfer fees). Unless, in return for permanent benefits (e.g. shares in the Club, and / or ownership of assets).
The Guardian Account may not be utilised in any way without the specific authority of the Members of the Society. Any recommendation to use monies in the Guardian Account must be presented by the Society’s Board at a General Meeting of the Members, convened in accordance with the Rules of the Society.