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Come And Help Us!


We are always looking for new Board members or contributors (we can have the authority to “co-opt” you where you don’t need to stand for election) that can assist us to continue to support fans of Stockport County, raise significant sums in fan backed schemes or other worthy causes in the wider community, and to help to continue to grow our profile.


If you would like to utilise your professional or academic skill(s), just like volunteering or even try your hand at something you have a desire to learn or passion about but can’t apply it in what you currently do then we would love to hear from you.  


Your background could be literally anything anything from organising, finance, office administration, communication, event planning, tradeswork, customer service, art, design, retail, hospitality, media, IT, medical, charity  - please don’t be shy!  


What do we ask:


  • Attend a monthly Board meeting in person (approx timings usually 7.30pm - 9ish)

  • Be communicative on email between meetings (we aren't expecting instant responses or even daily musings - just comments, feedback from others or even ideas and suggestions of your own

  • Assistance with our presence at the Grassy Knoll on a periodic basis - working on a rota system you would be asked to attend along with at least one other Board member to be a point of contact for existing members, look to increase membership or help with any current initiative. Sometimes we run initiatives which will require more folks to staff such as bucket collections or other such worthy causes. 

  • You have a desire/ambition or drive to help with the local community and volunteer your time

  • You have Stockport County at your heart and wish to engage with fans and improve their own experiences with the Club

  • You have thoughts on how as a Supporters’ Cooperative we can be used to make a difference (we would welcome fresh ideas and impetus on what we can / should do)

  • You understand we are a democratic society (this means sometimes moving at a more sedate pace) where we can openly and discuss ideas and decide as a collective if we should engage

  • You would like to utilse your professional or personal interest skills in  

  • You are a member of the Stocport County Supporters’ Cooperative - 


We are completely inclusive and welcome all.


if you are interested please email or

Get social with us!

Supporting our members & working

to secure the future of Edgeley Park

as the debt free home of Stockport County

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